
June flood - related tax relief

The minister of finance used his authority to waive, in full or in part, personal income tax and corporate income tax payments for taxpayers damaged by the flood, including the income tax interest and charges applicable to deferred tax payments with the original due date between the official state of emergency date and 31 October 2013 and to personal income tax advances payable from the official state of emergency date until 31 October 2013 under the conditions stated in the resolution.

The waiver applies to legal entities and individuals damaged by the flood in respect of which an emergency situation was announced on 2 June 2013 by a resolution of the Czech government No. 140/2013, Coll. This applies specifically to the regions of South Bohemia, Pilsen, Central Bohemia, Liberec, Hradec Králové and Ústí and to the city of Prague. For more information, click here.

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