
Tax reform

The Senate has proposed amendments and returned to the Chamber of Deputies a draft bill on establishing a single collection point (the “SCP Bill”).

The most substantial amendment that was proposed involves postponing the effective date of the SCP Bill to 1 January 2015; this shall not, however, apply to the amendment to the Lottery Act, which shall take effect on 1 January 2012.

The other amendment proposals suggested by the Senate apply to levies to be applied under the Lottery Act. A CZK 55 fee for a slot machine or other gaming device, which was deleted by mistake by the deputies, has been reintroduced.

The rules for levy administration have not been changed. A calendar year continues to be the levy period and the levy return must be filed within two months following the expiry of the levy period and cannot be extended. The Tax Procedure Code shall apply to the administration of taxes.

The Senate-initiated amendment proposals include a change to the budget-defined tax revenue allocation destinations (70% to the state and 30% to municipalities).

The draft SCP Bill will now be re-debated by the Chamber of Deputies.

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