
Another year of successful competition Contract Competition already has its winners

For the fifth year in a row, the Contract Competition, an annual contest for law students, organized by the law firm KSB has taken place. The competition again attracted talented students, who for a brief interval were transported from lecture halls to a hypothetical business environment, in order to have a chance to demonstrate their knowledge in practical situations. The best were competing head to head in the final round, which was held in early December at the Faculty of Law of Charles University.

The theme this year was distribution agreements. The participants became  "representatives" of companies distributing the Speedy energy drink for Prague university students. Their first task was to modify the written draft framework contract with the supplier of such drinks. The students were to take into account the term-sheet with agreed terms of trade, and at the same time propose contractual arrangements so that they were both acceptable for the suppliers and at the same time adequately protect the interests of their client.

On the basis of written submissions, the teams were presented with individualized   simulated disputes, which the competitors were, on the basis of the contracts amended by them, to resolve matters with the representatives of the supplier. Breach of confidentiality, violation of exclusivity, low turnover, difficulty paying - these are just some of the challenges that the contestants had to face. Despite the sometimes tricky questions posed by the well prepared "representatives" of the suppliers of Speedy from the junior lawyers of KSB, the students managed their roles superbly.

The winners were Paul Martiník and Barbara Studihradová,  2nd place went to Nicholas Pejcha and Jan Drabek and third place was taken by Daniel Vrabel.

This year's participants did not disappoint and again demonstrated the high quality of the written submissions and oral hearings. KSB congratulates the winners and thanks all participants for participation.

Detailed specifications and the progress of the competition can be found here.

Photos from the oral hearings below.

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