
New legal book by KŠB lawyers

Wolters Kluwer has just published a new comprehensive summary of the most important case-law rulings related to business corporations which apply following the re-enactment of Czech private law. The book was authored by a team of KŠB lawyers led by professor Jan Dědič, a company law specialist.

With information on over 1,000 case-law rulings, the new book contains a general chapter, personal companies chapter (limited partnerships and general partnerships) and capital companies chapter (limited liability and joint-stock companies). Each chapter is well structured and carefully laid out for ease of reference. All case-law rulings are titled, with the name indicating its contents, and contains a list of statutory provisions to which it applies, legal clause, and references including its designation in the ASPI system, or, where applicable, the author’s note on the ruling’s applicability to certain type of companies.

Because the book is a comprehensive resource of information on applicable case-law decisions, it is an indispensable tool for judges, lawyers and other professionals working on company-related matters.

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