
Partial progress in liberalization of gas market

In the July session, the European Parliament adopted a package of legislative measures for the gas market at first reading, the objective of which is to deregulate the market, increase its competitiveness and ensure consumer rights. The deputies supported two scenarios from which EU member states can choose: either full ownership separation of suppliers from gas networks or the so-called ITO model – the preservation of network ownership by suppliers with simultaneous introduction of “independent operators of transportation systems”.

The second scenario is supplemented by further concrete guarantees and safeguards - for example the creation of the position of a “trustee” to ensure supervision of the value of the property of the transportation system operator. The new Agency for Cooperation of Energy Regulatory Authorities should assess no later than five years after the directive takes effect whether the cited measures really ensure independence of transmission systems operators.

Another part of the package are measures protecting consumers, such as the right to free rescission from the agreement with the supplier, access to “intelligent meters” no later than ten years after the directive takes effect and establishment of independent authorities – energy ombudsmen – to investigate complaints. A proposal for concrete measures aimed at restriction of “energy poverty” is also important.

The future of the package will most likely not be easy. Since it is a stricter regulation than those supported by EU member states, it will be passed over again to the Council. If the Council does not agree with the proposal approved by the Parliament, the package will be passed over for a second reading.

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