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Charity Concert for Good Will Committee – Olga Havlová Foundation

Law firm Kocián Šolc Balaštík organises the traditional Charity Concert for the Good Will Committee – Olga Havlová Foundation. This year is the concert’s thirteenth year, taking place on Sunday 25 November 2007, 7:00 p.m., at the concert hall of the Church of St. Simon and Jude in Prague Old Town.

The program includes songs by Italian Baroque composers and W. A. Mozart,performed by the Prague Chamber Philharmonics and Bambini di Praga, withvioloncellist Jiří Bárta as the soloist to play Concerto D major for avioloncello and orchestra by J. Hayden.

The Goodwill Committee uses the funds collected from the twelve organizedconcertos to support its New Family and Senior projects. These long-termprojects aim to reduce the number of children brought up in children’shomes, to develop the concept of foster care and to support civic associationsand charity institutions that offer opportunities for the oldest generation tohave active lives and living to a dignified age for elderly fellow citizens whoare incapable of caring for themselves.

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