KSB Advises Titans Freelancers on Acquiring Stake in Bridgewater
KSB's team led by Drahomír Tomašuk, Ján Béreš and Ondřej Siška advised Titans Freelancers, a Slovak company engaged in outsourcing IT specialists, on the acquisition of a 75% stake in Czech-based Bridgewater. Bridgewater helps companies find suitable IT specialists and IT professionals find new career opportunities and challenges. It also focuses on non-IT staff, especially middle and senior management positions, and hard-to-fill jobs.
Titans Freelancers plans to become a major player on the European IT outsourcing market together with Sandberg Capital (also a long-standing KSB client) as its investment partner.
Our advice consisted primarily of conducting due diligence in Bridgewater and negotiating and drafting the transaction, shareholder and banking documentation.
Details on the entire transaction are available here (in Czech) and here (in Slovak).
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