
KŠB advises in connection with the acquisition of Kékkúti Ásványvíz

Karlovarské minerální vody (KMV) successfully signed the contract for the acquisition of the Hungarian bottled water number one Kékkúti Ásványvíz, which up to now belonged to Nestlé Waters. The negotiations on the sale of the Hungarian division of Nestlé Waters bottled water took more than one year.

KMV launched its European expansion in 2008 when it purchased the Austrian company Waldquelle, which under KMV’s management has become the second largest drink company on the local market. In addition to the Czech Republic, KMV now also operates in Slovakia, Austria, Germany, Poland and Ukraine .

KMV is the largest producer of mineral and spring water in Central and Eastern Europe with a long tradition of, in particular, its main Mattoni brand. KMV’s wide experience in the field of bottling and sale of mineral and spring water together with the offer of a wide soft drink portfolio will strengthen Kékkúti Ásványvíz’s position on the Hungarian market. This acquisition project also includes KMV’s   other investments into the purchased drink company.

Karlovarské minerální vody, a.s. is the largest producer of mineral and spring water in the Czech Republic and the Central and Eastern Europe.

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